Climate protection and the sustainable use of resources are the major challenges of our time. In order to achieve the socially-anchored climate goals, it is above all necessary to increase energy efficiency on the consumer side in addition to increasing the use of renewable energies. There is enormous potential for saving energy, especially in the industrial and commercial environment. Increasingly complex legal requirements to improve energy efficiency in companies as well as continuously rising energy prices motivate to optimize energy efficiency.
The specialist area of energy technology / efficiency offers client-oriented engineering services ranging from measurement-supported inventory analysis to the planning of optimized overall energy technology solutions, as well as consulting and support services relating to the topic of “climate neutrality”.
Our services:

GICON®-Consult offers you target-oriented energy audits and consulting services of a technically high-quality.
- Implementation of energy audits according to DIN EN 16247-1 and energy efficiency consulting for organizations and companies of all industries
- Energy audits according to the Energy Services Act (EDL-G)
- BAFA energy consulting for non-residential buildings, plants and systems, module 1
- Creation of the Saxon Commercial Energy Passport (SäGEP)
- Implementation of energy consulting according to DIN V 18599
- BAFA energy consulting for non-residential buildings, plants and systems, module 2
- Energy saving concepts
- Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) - Federal support program (BAFA / KfW) Energy efficiency in the economy, modules 1-5
- Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) - Federal program to promote energy efficiency and CO2 savings in agriculture and horticulture
- Consulting services on the topics of energy supply and energy efficiency
- Funding review and consulting for investment and non-investment energy efficiency projects and support during the application process
Our approach is based on the specific requirements of our clients, quality criteria (e.g. DIN EN 16247-1, SäGEP standard, etc.) as well as legal regulations or funding guidelines. Basically, we structure our energy efficiency consulting and energy audits as follows:
- Analysis of the energetic actual state:
- detailed energy reference and energy consumption analysis
- (mobile) Metrological investigations
- Formation of energy key figures
- Identification of energy deficits, savings and optimization potentials
- Identification of concrete measures to increase energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption and energy costs
- Economic feasibility studies of investment measures (such as static and dynamic payback period, net present value, internal rate of return, etc.)
- Grant audits of energy efficiency measures
- Presentation of results and standard-compliant reporting on the energy audit in accordance with DIN EN 16247-1 or reporting in line with the requirements of specific subsidy programs
Federal and state subsidies are often available for consulting services and investments in measures to improve energy efficiency. We will be happy to advise you individually on the possibilities.
GICON®-Consult develops individual concepts for sustainable and cost-optimized energy supply.
- Energy concepts for industry and commerce (heating, ventilation, refrigeration, air conditioning, combined heat and power, water)
- Waste heat concepts
- Neighborhood solutions in terms of sector coupling
- Simulation of complex energy systems
- Measuring / monitoring concepts
- Energetic process optimization
- Market and feasibility analyses
- Project development
GICON®-Consult accompanies concrete ideas and implementation of measures from concept to planning and commissioning. This includes:
- Planning services (such as lighting, photovoltaic systems, heating, ventilation, cooling, etc.) over all service phases according to HOAI
- Project management
- Expert activities:
- Preparation of energy performance certificates according to GEG for new and existing buildings (residential and non-residential)
- Preparation of energy balances according to DIN V 18599 (residential and non-residential buildings)
- Application for KfW-/BAFA subsidies (federal subsidy for efficient buildings (BEG)
- individual measures
- KfW efficient buildings
- preparation of individual renovation roadmaps (iSFP)
- Technical and construction support
- Heating and cooling load calculations
- Ventilation concepts
- Air tightness concepts
- Thermal bridge calculations
- Proof of summer thermal insulation
- Thermal building simulations
Energy and Environmental Management
GICON®-Consult develops management systems, integrates them into existing company processes and supports the ongoing maintenance of the system.
Our services in the focus area of energy and environmental management systems:
- Introduction and support of management systems (ISO 50001, ISO 14001, EMAS)
- Consulting services for the "Alternative System" according to SpaEfV
- Employee training and seminars
- Concept development for energy data controlling / monitoring
- Accompaniment of verification / certification processes
- Activities as external energy and environmental management representative
IIn selected industrial sectors, GICON's in-house developed software solution CoCheck-ComplianceCheck can be integrated for this purpose.
CO2 / Greenhouse Gas Neutrality and Climate Management
GICON®-Consult accompanies companies and organizations on their way to climate neutrality and supports you in the individual steps to set up and operate a climate management system:
- Creation of transformation concepts in accordance with BAFA/KfW program "Energy Efficiency in the Economy" Module 5
- Determination of the individual CO₂ footprint both at the corporate level (Corporate Carbon Footprint) and product-specific level (Product Carbon Footprint) compliant with standards in accordance with the GHG Protocol, ISO 14064-1, ISO 14067
- Consulting services for the definition of climate targets and development of climate strategies
- Identification of measures for the reduction, avoidance and compensation of greenhouse gas emissions
- Support in the establishment of climate management systems and (if available) linkage with other management systems
- Accompaniment of verification / certification processes
- Employee training and seminars
- Activities as external climate management representative
Emissions trading
Furthermore GICON®-Consult advises and supports you in questions of emissions trading:
- European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU-ETS)
- National Emissions Trading System (nEHS) according to the Fuel Emissions Trading Act (BEHG)
GICON®-Consult regularly contributes its wealth of experience from daily project work on the cross-industry topics of energy technology and energy efficiency to various research and knowledge transfer projects:
- Moderation of energy efficiency networks and workshops
- Preparation of guidelines and manuals on cross-sectional and industry-specific technologies
- Implementation of application-oriented research projects
Renewable energies are the future of energy supply. Their development and use require technical and organizational know-how on different levels and the networked cooperation of different engineering disciplines within the framework of project development. In interdisciplinary cooperation with other areas of the GICON® Group, the Department of Energy Technology / Energy Efficiency develops software-supported new projects in the following areas:
- PV ground-mounted systems
- Wind turbines onshore and offshore
- Biogas plants
Qualifications of our employees:
The employees of the Dept. of Energy Technology / Energy Efficiency department are, among others:
- Listed energy auditors DIN EN 16247-1 according to EDL-G (Energy Services Act)
- Listed energy efficiency experts according to DIN EN 16247-1 (Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) // BAFA "Energy consulting for non-residential buildings, plants and systems" module 1)
- Certified Saxon commercial energy consultants (SäGEP consultants)
- Experts for energy consulting in agriculture (BLE)
- Listed energy efficiency experts for residential buildings (Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) // BAFA "Energieberatung Wohngebäude" (energy consulting for residential buildings)
- Listed energy efficiency experts for non-residential buildings (Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) // BAFA "Energy consulting for non-residential buildings, installations and systems" module 2
- Authorized issuers of energy performance certificates according to § 88 GEG
- Auditors for ISO 50001
- Auditors for ISO 14001
- Auditors for EMAS
You can find a complete list of our certified experts in the Experts section.
Our industry know-how
Thanks to numerous interesting projects in the field of energy technology / energy efficiency, GICON®-Consult has been able to build up a comprehensive wealth of experience in recent years. Thus, the know-how extends over diverse industries, of which a selection is mentioned below:
- Heat and energy supply
- Food, agriculture (e.g. bakeries, confectioneries, butcheries, horticulture and farms)
- Stone & earth, glass, ceramics and building materials (e.g. asphalt mixing plants, processing and cement industry)
- Surface treatment, resins, plastics, leather (e.g. electroplating and plastics industry)
- Chemicals, pharmaceuticals and petroleum incl. processing
- Paper manufacturing and processing
- Printing
- Battery production
- Mechanical engineering, metal processing and tools (e.g. handicraft businesses and workshops)
- Equipment and plant manufacturing
- Solar industry
- Culture (e.g. theater, dance hall, cinema and zoo)
- Swimming pools
- Health care and social services (hospitals, clinics, workshops for people with disabilities, residential homes and senior centers)
- Hotel industry and catering trade
- Rail and road transport (e.g. transport companies)
- Municipality / public sector
Energy management systems are sets of rules that help companies plan their energy use in the daily production process and achieve continuous improvements in energy-related performance. This not only saves energy, but also reduces the CO2 footprint and ultimately significantly lowers energy costs. Further benefits: the efficient use of energy increases competitiveness and creates a positive image when it comes to sustainability.
GICON® develops management systems and integrates them into your existing company processes. In selected industrial sectors, our proprietary software solution CoCheck can be integrated for this purpose.
The introduction of an EnMS is recommended for all energy-intensive companies in the production sector. If electricity consumption exceeds 5 GWh and a certain electricity cost intensity is exceeded, it is even required by law. The latest standard is the energy management standard DIN ISO 50001:2018.
Yes, the "Act on Energy Conservation and the Use of Renewable Energies for Heating and Cooling in Buildings" (Building Energy Act - GEG), which came into force on November 1, 2020, contains clear new regulations in this regard:
- With immediate effect, an operating ban applies to old boilers that have been in operation for at least 30 years and are fed with liquid or gaseous fuels
- The installation of new oil and coal boilers will be prohibited from 2026 or only permitted under defined conditions; oil hybrid solutions will also be possible in most federal states in the future
- Retrofitting obligation: a central heating system must be equipped with automatic devices for reducing and switching off the heat supply and for switching electrical drives on and off by September 30, 2021. Room-by-room control of the room temperature must be retrofitted
- Prohibition of deterioration in energy quality: decommissioning of solar thermal systems, for example, is not permitted unless compensatory measures are implemented at the same time
Irrespective of the existing buildings, the following new regulations will apply in future:
- Renewable energies must be used in new buildings or compensatory measures must be taken
- The GEG provides greater support for sector coupling than before:
- In order to promote the use of renewable energies, electricity from renewable energies (e.g. photovoltaics) can be counted proportionately (cross-sectoral use of renewable electricity is permitted)
- To determine the annual primary energy requirement, renewable electricity can also be taken into account - The so-called neighborhood approach is new: in the case of changes to existing buildings that form a spatial unit, compliance with the requirements can be demonstrated through joint fulfillment in the neighborhood (joint heat supply and balancing, for example). The entirety of the buildings in question is always considered
GICON® also supports its customers in the planning of new buildings according to the latest criteria. A separate department with more than a dozen employees takes care of all aspects of construction planning (civil engineering, structural engineering, technical building equipment) from a single source. In combination with the "energy technology/efficiency" department, we deliver a complete package that is always geared to the customer's requirements.
Our service claim - A good solution for you!
Here you’ll find access to our references:
- Energy audits / energy efficiency consultations
- Conception and planning
- Energy and environmental management | CO2 / greenhouse gas neutrality and climate management | emissions trading
- Knowledge transfer
- Project development for renewable energies