SCMS - Soil Compaction Management System
During the execution of large-scale soil compaction measures by means of vibro-compaction and/or vibro-tamping, considerable amounts of data are generated. These data are generated during planning, preliminary exploration, staking out, execution and post-exploration of the compaction areas. All collected data influence each other, so that their targeted evaluation and interrogation can yield information that can be used for purposes of
- preservation of evidence (archiving of logger data ...)
- proof of performance (output of daily reports ...),
- quality management (prompt target/actual comparison, etc.),
- operational planning (reaction to planning changes, building site soil inhomogeneities, etc.),
- process optimization (adaptation of technological parameters to the building site soil, etc.).
With SCMS, a quick evaluation of this data is possible for both the contractor and the client. It is therefore possible to react immediately to irregularities. This saves costs for the contractor and valuable time for all parties involved.

The SCMS software is an integrated data management system that integrates the data collected in the phases of
- Planning
- Preliminary exploration
- Staking out
- Execution
- Post-exploration
can import, store, distribute, present, query and statistically evaluate all data fully or semi-automatically. In addition, all data that are provided with coordinates are placed in an integrated geographic information system (GIS) on a freely designable base map.
PlanningThe SCMS software is a distributed system, whose components of different function can be distributed on several computers. The most important components are
- the Windows client for comfortable data input, data evaluation and GIS display,
- the web client for permanent and worldwide available real-time data retrieval and GIS display on any computer without software installation,
- the web server programming as the basis for the use of the web clients,
- the local database server as the sole database server or subordinate data server on a remote site,
- the central database server as a centrally available data source and additional data backup of the local data servers on the construction site.