Landscape Architecture
Landscape planning
- Landscape plans
- Green space plans
- Landscape management accompanying plans (LBP)
- Landscaping Execution Plans (LAP)
- Nursing and development plans
- Intervention / compensation balances according to § 15 BNatSchG (outdoor area)
- Green space balances based on municipal statutes, e.g. B. Tree protection or greening statutes (indoor area)
- Requests for exemption from the prohibition rules on protected areas
- Fauna-Flora-Habitat (FFH) - compatibility assessment according to the Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43 / EEC)
Protection of species
- Floristic and faunistic mapping
- Specialist articles on species protection law in accordance with § 44 BNatSchG
- Planning of CEF measures
Environmental construction supervision
- Environmental construction supervision (UBB) for the approval-compliant implementation of environmentally relevant measures or legally compliant implementation of construction measures
Landscape planning addresses different groups of addressees who use them for different tasks:
- Nature conservation authorities
- other planning agencies and regulatory authorities
- Interested public, associations, land users
Drones are mainly used in ecological construction monitoring (ÖBB) and for photo documentation. ÖBB is the checking of compliance with measures that guarantee the protection of the environment and minimize adverse effects on flora and fauna. This includes, for example, occupancy checks of bird nests on utility poles. Here, aerial flight with drones has decisive advantages. Instead of turning off the power and putting people in danger when climbing poles, using drones is faster, safer and less disruptive for the birds being observed. Basically, drones are excellent for all areas where humans have a hard time getting to or need help getting to. For example, this can include rooftops of houses or conservation areas that are difficult to access.
Our performance aspiration - A good solution for you!

Dipl.-Ing. Falk Rebbe
P: +49 351 47878-24
Year | Client | Titel | Short description |
2016 | Klettwitz Green Energy GmbH & Co. KG | "Hochkippe Klettwitz" zoning plan for the village of Kostebrau in the municipal area of the city of Lauchhammer (1) | The city of Lauchhammer has prepared a land-use plan for the construction and operation of wind turbines in the town of Kostebrau. GICON provided the following services: Environmental assessment acc. to §2 (4) BauGB and FFH compatibility studies for four FFH areas: FFH "Grünhaus" (DE 4448-306), FFH Kleine Elster River and lowland areas (DE4347-302) and FFH Westmarkscheide-Mariensumpf (DE 4449-301) as well as SPA assessment Lausitzer Post-Mining Landscapes (DE 4450-421). |
2015 | Klettwitz Green Energy GmbH & Co. KG | Expansion of the Klettwitz / Kostebrau I wind farm, south area, 5 wind turbines (1) | The company KGE plans the erection of 5 additional wind turbines south of the Klettwitz wind farm, which was repowered in 2014-2015, in the municipal area of Schipkau. GICON provided the following services: Environmental impact assessment (EIA) and FFH compatibility assessment for four FFH areas. |
2014-2015 | Klettwitz Green Energy GmbH & Co. KG | Implementation planning, awarding of contracts, support and monitoring of all avoidance, compensation and replacement measures incl. ecological site supervision in BA 1 (1) | For the repowering carried out in 2014, the implementation planning for avoidance, compensation and replacement measures was prepared. In addition, ecological support was provided during the construction process. In addition to monitoring the implementation of the protection and avoidance measures in accordance with the permit, the inspection of construction areas in preparation for construction with regard to the occurrence of species relevant under species protection law was also carried out. |
2013-2014 | LMBV mbH | Accompanying landscape conservation plan, species protection expert report, preliminary assessment of the individual case acc. to § 3c UVPG, FFH preliminary assessment for the construction and operation of a water treatment plant in Plessa (1) | The LMBV plans to build a water treatment plant in the municipality of Plessa. The project serves to improve the water quality of the mining water to be discharged into the Schwarze Elster River. |
2013-2014 | ENGIE E&P Deutschland GmbH | Environmental construction supervision, faunistic investigations and analysis for the Märkisch Buchholz drilling site (1) | For the construction of the drilling site and the subsequent maintenance work at the Märkisch Buchholz 1,2 and 3 drilling points, an environmental construction supervision was carried out. The tasks of the environmental construction supervision included inspection of the compliance with nature conservation and environmental legal requirements and their technical implementation, the monitoring of the implementation of protection and avoidance measures in acc. with the approval as well as the inspection of construction areas for the occurrence of relevant species occurrences in preparation for construction Environmental construction supervision, faunistic investigations and analysis for the Märkisch Buchholz drilling site (1) |
2012-2014 | Sythengrund Grundstückverwertungsgesellschaft Haltern mbH | Nature conservation services for the planning approval procedure under mining law for a quartz sand extraction (1) | For the optimization of quartz sand extraction, an amendment of the obligatory general operating plan was carried out during the implementation of a mining law approval procedure. GICON provided the following nature conservation services: environmental impact assessment, landscape conservation plan, species protection mapping, species protection report, Natura 2000 preliminary assessment, application for forest conversion, application for exemption from the LSG protection area ordinance. |
2013-2014 | Radeberger Gruppe KG - Radeberger Exportbierbrauerei | Landscape management plan, species protection report incl. species protection mapping, FFH preliminary assessment, application for exemption from statutory biotope protection and ecological construction monitoring for the construction of a wastewater pressure line in Radeberg (1) | For the planned construction of a wastewater pressure line from the Radeberg brewery to the wastewater treatment plant of the "Obere Röder" Sewage Board in the Lotzdorf district of the city of Radeberg, the aforementioned nature conservation documents were prepared to obtain approval. The project crosses the course of the Große Röder River, which is designated as an FFH area. During the construction measures, the ecological construction supervision was carried out by GICON®. |
2011-2014 | DREWAG Stadtwerke Dresden GmbH | Application for planning approval, case-by-case assessment in acc. with § 3c UVPG, route approval in compliance with § 8 SächsWaldG (Saxony Forestry Act), application for Be (1) | DREWAG - Stadtwerke Dresden GmbH operates the central district heating network (ZFHN) in the city of Dresden, which serves the public supply including the supply of commercial and industrial clients with district heating. For the further development of the district heating supply in Dresden, a connection line between the ZFHN and the Klotzsche island network was applied for, the necessary documents for obtaining the permit were prepared by GICON. The length of the district heating route between the northern end point of the ZFHN (HKW Nord) to the southernmost connection point of the Klotzsche island network is approx. 7 km, whereby the route runs in sections through the Dresden Heath. |
2011-2012 | ENSO Energie Sachsen Ost AG | 110 kV overhead powerline clearing and reforestation, task phases 4 -8 § 38 HOAI (1) | Detailed design, tendering, participation in award of contracts and local construction supervision for clearing and reforestation during erection of a 110 kV overhead powerline |
2011 | ESF Elbe Stahlwerke Feralpi GmbH | FFH preliminary assessment for 2 FFH areas and 1 EU bird sanctuary as part of the approval procedure "Capacity expansion of the steel and rolling mill" (1) | Assessment of the compatibility of the project with the conservation, protection and development objectives of the Natura 2000 sites located in the potential impact area of the project (impact assessment) (1) Reference from GICON (2) Staff reference |
(1) Referenz von GICON (2) Mitarbeiterreferenz |